Autumn Lecture 2015


Kevin Carey, RNIB - The role of the Christian Librarian in a theologically Turbulent Age

Gallery, First Floor, Salisbury Library

Market place, Salisbury, SP1 1BL

Our speaker for the 2015 Autumn Lecture will be Kevin Carey, Chair of the Royal National institute for Blind People and author of the Third Testament for the Third Millennium series of novels.  

Mr. Carey is a Reader in the Church of England and his interests include disability, information technology and fiction writing. His talk may deal with all, or any, of these topics: watch this space for more information.   Please book these dates now and plan to join us for one or more of our activities in 2015.

In the morning we will be visiting the library of Sarum College (19, The Close, Salisbury, SP1 2EE) at 11 a.m.. If you are interested in joining us please contact Janice Paine.

For further information on the lecture please contact our secretary, Graham Hedges.

More Information about the Lecture:

Kevin Carey will suggest that the twentieth century was the most theologically fruitful since the sixteenth, seeking to address a wide range of issues, both systematic and ethical.  Such diversity of approach and topic presents the librarian with a peculiar set of challenges whose resolution is vital to the non-academician seeking to broaden and deepen their Christian faith.
Kevin Carey is a Reader in the Church of England with a Masters  in Systematic Theology.  He has written three extended novels  under the title of The Third Testament for the Third Millennium, re-telling the whole of the New Testament in 21st Century terms, and has also written a critical commentary on the Book of Common Prayer Lectionary texts and an analysis of the Bible and ethics.  Kevin also writes an annual book of Christmas verses and is a former member of the General Synod.
Kevin is the Chair of the RNIB Group and an expert on information technology and has undertaken extensive work on the access by blind and partially sighted people to specialist and mainstream libraries.
Kevin Carey is a distinguished figure in the fields of disability, information technology and fiction writing and we are honoured that he has agreed to give our annual lecture.

More about Sarum College Library visit:

For those who can get to Salisbury in time, we have arranged a morning visit to the Library of Sarum College, 19, The Close, Salisbury, SP1 2EE,  where Jayne Downey, Editor of the Bulletin of  the Association of  British Theological and Philosophical Libraries, is the Librarian.
Sarum College Library is a leading academic theological library with a collection of more than 40,000 books.
Sarum College rose from the ashes of of the Salisbury and Wells Theological College, which closed in the mid-1990s  and took over its library.  This collection was begun in 1850 by the then Bishop of  Salisbury, Walter Kerr Hamilton.  Among his collection are two hundred and seventy-four mainly nineteenth century pamphlets, sermons, tracts and charges.
In the late 1990s, the Library acquired several thousand books from the former Sowter and Clerical Library in Church House, Salisbury.  Among these are the majority of books that make up a local history collection.
Today the library is primarily an academic resource to support Sarum College courses, local clergy and anyone with an interest in theology, ecclesiastical and local history.