Graham Hedges 1950 – 2020

It is with great sadness that we have to tell you that Graham Hedges, our long-serving Secretary and Pub-lications Editor died on 15th May, about a fortnight after his 70th birthday. He had been ill in hospital for a couple of weeks, contracted an infection (nothing to do with covid-19), fell into a coma and went to be with the Lord.

Graham was ‘Mr CLIS’, having taken the main burden of the administration of our fellowship from April 1980 until his death and he will be a hard act to follow. I myself have been his colleague in the work for over 40 years, from the day he came on to the then LCF Executive Committee as editor until the present day. He took over from me as Secretary and I served 20 years as committee chairman with him as the strong right arm in seeing that things got done.

He was efficient, hard-working and zealous for the work. He was an able writer and the publications would not have been half so interesting or useful without his skills. He also seemed to know absolutely everyone and could always think of a speaker or contributor who knew about any given subject.

A full obituary will follow later, but for now we ask your prayers for his family, who mourn his passing, and the committee, who have to reorganise around his not being there. He will be greatly missed by us all.

Richard Waller